Thursday 10 February 2011


Wilfred Pickles was good entertainment in the 1960s, and his offspring Eric is a bit of a clown too, particularly when it comes to organizing local government.

It would appear that cash-strapped councils are going to have to make draconian cuts in basic services such as libraries and help for the elderly and disabled. Mr. Pickles is adamant that these cuts should be followed through, and David Cameron, despite his pre-election posturing, has, up until today, been able to claim that opposition to the government's austerity package comes from Labour, who mismanaged everything and are therefore responsible for the necessity of cuts.

But I did say "up until today". Because today, LibDem councillors, many of whom are in local government dependent upon Conservative support, have fairly upset the apple-cart so far as the coalition is concerned. Pickles' attitude has been so strident that he has got their backs up. And they have decided to let him have it - admittedly in The Times, part of the Tory poodle Murdoch's empire, but nonetheless putting their parliamentary colleagues in a somewhat embarrasing position. Because local government is the basis of democracy in this country, as has been shown by Clay Cross and other councils who have had to fight the Tories. And then there's the prospect of industrial action on the part of public service workers whose jobs are endangered by the threats coming from Cameron and Osborne. Pickles may hum and haw as much as he likes about the responsibility of councils to their electorate, but in a democracy when public services are being axed to suit the fat cats of Threadneedle Street and Whitehall, they have to be listened to.

Even by Eric Pickles MP.

Thursday 13 January 2011


Well, if Mad Mel's idea of Christianity consists of the nutters she goes about with in that land of democracy and gunshots "where the bad men are" (and I'm not kidding!) and she has this pole of Thatcherite excrement to come out with in connection with the Archbishop of Canterbury, it's hardly surprising that the poor are turning away from mainstream Christianity and turning onto the bottle.

Melanie's got the usual hypocritical attitude of those who have done OK in life. It's very selfish, very greedy and very biased. Anything to keep her and hers in their accustomed state of affluence, and the devil take the hindmost. This, of course, is why she supports the self-serving "televangelists" who do not preach Christianity but a religion invented by themselves and which is most properly called Americanism.

Those people see the Bible as a kind of Mystic Meg which will reveal the (American) destiny of mankind under the (American) Christ.


Thursday 23 December 2010


While Warrior Winston was busy describing one of the greatest Christians of the 20th century, Mahatma Gandhi, as a "naked fakir" because he dared to make a principled stand against British imperialism (which, of course, Churchill supported, including the Amritsar massacre) he was busy with his pals on the other side of the pond - pals he got on extra well with provided that they were brasshats.

Churchill never got round to smashing the miners completely, although, of course, he would have liked to have done. Even Lady Churchill was concerned at the brutality used during the General Strike, but because Winston was a warrior by mature the only way he would negotiate was to smash the enemy first. In this fefusal to give in, one can see the origins of the "fight on the beaches" bemtality which, allegedly, won World War II for the Allies. As those of us who are aware of reality know, were it not for the heroic sacrifice of the Soviet people in the war which Hitler, in Mein Kampf, had shown he was absolutley determined to perpetrate upon them, Western "civilization" would have gone up in smithereens. 20 million Soviet citizens lost their lives during the Great Patriotic War, a million in Leningrad alone. AND YET CAMERON HAD THE EFFRONTERY, IMPERTINENCE AND GALL TO CLAIM IN HIS PRE-ELECTION PROGRAMME THAT THE BRITISH CONSERVATIVE PARTY DEFEATED THE SOVIET UNION!

We are constantly being told about the freedoms preserved for us in the West by our friends in the States, which no doubt include the freedom of spivs and no-gooders to occupy our hotels next April in order to see a wedding while our poor and homeless starve on the street thanks to Iain Duncan-Smith and his form of slavery. This, of course, is freedom American style, and is the means whereby it is confidently hoped by our Conservative masters that we shall become the 51st State. We are already sending our young men and women to die for America - why not starve the poor if they will not work? After all, the working classes are all indolent - and, if they are organised in trade unions, insolent as well.

Monday 20 December 2010


Well, Mrs. Palin's got her knickers in a twist again.

It would appear that, not content with pushing the "benefits" of a moribund and effete society, Sarah is attempting, in the name of continuing the disintegration of a living corpse, to attack the one man who has exposed the lies and deceit which have been fed the public of the English-speaking peoples by their mass media. She obviously dosen't know her Greek mythology (oh, sorry, I forgot - Greek mythology's not to be learnt by Christians!). If our Sarah had read the story of the Hydra, she'd realise in her small brain that it takes more than assassination to destroy the truth. I mean to say, America and Americans are indelibly scarred, even 150 years later, by the events of one of the bloodiest wars in world history, which was also the first modern war.

Does Mrs. Palin really think that American workers will stand idly by and allow a bunch of Republican spivs like her and her pal McCain to destroy their living standards in the name of a pile of shit which she claims Americans will adhere to and which she justifies under the misnomer "duty" while quoting MacArthur, the murderer of the Bonus Marchers? Perhaps, when the truth about American and Israeli war crimes in the Middle East is exposed, the hawks will find it hard going. Remember, particularly at Christmas - doves fly like hawks and eagles.

Monday 25 October 2010


Perhaps you're wondering why the sycophantic crap you get on the BBC, Pox News and other sources of educational inspiration designed to thrill the multitudes and put men in the mood for war is just that - sycophantic crap. Well, here are a few clues to help you.

Muslims do not believe in usury (the accumulation of profit, or, to put it simply, the profit-motive). There is no such thing as an overdraft facility at a Muslim bank. And Muslims are some of the richest men in the world - although, among the fellaheen, there is a great deal of starvation/poverty. The effendis/sheiks have obtained their wealth by the will of Allah and are therefore entitled to it - and to bend Islamic law to suit themselves, as is seen in the production of the alcoholic beverage arrack.

The Holy Bible is also specific on the subject of usury: it is an offence against God. Nevertheless, Christians and Jews have bent the rules. The main interest which motivates an advanced capitalist economy is the accumulation of/maximization of profit for the benefit of the entrepeneur. This is the real reason why Osborne is hammering the public sector - it drains away private wealth, which, according to Conservative ideology, lies in the hands of an economic elite. Hence the opprobrium heaped by Johnson (Boris, not Alan) on the criticism of the banks and his praise of their contribution to the national GDP, along with his accusation of political motivation when RMT go on strike in London and the tubes are shut down. It would appear, according to Mr. Whittington's successor, that the policies of Mrs. Thatcher, who deliberately used the scourge of unemployment as a blunt instrument in her crusade to destroy the power of the trade unions were fine, but that when trade unionists fight for the benefit of their members they are nothing less than vandals.

And the Conservative Party, most of whom attend their sycophantic denomination when at prayer, do not appear to understand/comprehend the wrath of a holy/righteous God, whose anger is terrible to experience (as I have sad cause to know). Your lying press shall do nothing for you: in the words of Emperor Ferdinand III. during the Thirty Years' War, you must die or be slaves for the knife is at your throat. You are doomed.

Sunday 24 October 2010


Our Joe.

Stalin has been villified and castrated in the capitalist Press because its aim is to destroy any hope of a socialist society. Capitalist pigs are well aware that Christ was a Communist and, that upon his imminent return, the filthy bankers and their sycophants shall be thrown into the lake of fire as surely as the moneylenders were violently ejected from God's house with a whipcord.

Humanity is fallible. The creation of a dictatorship in the Soviet Union in the 1930s was both necessary and desirable. It was necessary because of the onslaught of capitalism by means of the secret rearmament of Germany, the destruction of the British miners in the defeat of the 1926 General Strike and the capitalists' efforts to undermine socialism by means of Trotskyism. It was desirable, because under the dictatorship of the proletariat the middle class must be destroyed (observe the nefarious effects of "middle England" in propping up the Blair/Brown administration, and also observe its fickle treachery earlier this year). While the ruling class constitute an exclusive elite, the middle class have aspirations and because of this are a picture of selfish greed. This was the case with Stolypin's kulaks, who would always have stood in the way of industrialisation and the collective, an essential part of socialism. The Christian cannot disagree with this, since, as it is better to give than to receive and human nature is selfish, an element of compulsion is necessary, Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness at the expense of someone else constitute a contradiction in terms. Hence what Comrade Stalin referred to as "the liquidation of the kulaks as a class". Suffering is universal, not confined to a specific group.

Finally, and despite capitalist lies, the Great Patriotic War broke the back of the Wehrmacht and ensured the defeat of National Socialism at a time when the United States was pursuing a private war with Japan - a war which culminated in the greatest war crime in history when little girls were seared to death at Hiroshima. If it were not for the genius of Comrade Stalin, the picture of Western Europe would be much bleaker and blacker today.


War has been declared on the British working class.

The reasons go back to the assault on that great citadel of capitalism, the United States of America, because of its creation/support of the "state" of Israel on 9/11.

America is a disgusting capitalist state which fosters a violent society both within its own borders/around the world. The filthy/sadistic nature of the horror movies coming out of Hollywood combines with a corrupt "Christian" elite at the heart of the Republican Party who purvey mendacious analyses of Scripture which, under the umbrella of a deliberately political grouping called Christians United for Israel, attempt to justify the existence of this pariah state. The capitalists, helped in their scheming by the Rothschild bankers and the brutality of Hitler, have made Zionism a political platform into which, contrary to their intellect which God gave them and which led to the syllogism "no two Jews agree", they have been jelled. Hence the Jewish people have been hoodwinked into following a reactionary and bellicose creed. As is vividly shown by Neturei Karta, Zionism is a form of antisemitism.

By destroying a people for purely capitalist ends, the Balfour Declaration has destroyed any hope of peace in the Middle East and built up a seething rage among the deprived Muslims. When shaken out of its complacency by 9/11, termite Anthony Charles Lynton Blair decided to join arms with the most reactionary/moronic President in American history (explaining why the sycophant is far more popular among the American ruling class than in his own country), launching a war OF terror.

In order to preserve capitalism, this Iraqi-Afghan war must be prosecuted at all costs, as William Shawcross and Melanie Phillips will be the first to tell you. AT ALL COSTS! And we poor must be its paymasters - hence Bully-Boy's cuts.

As to the financial crisis/national debt, Lenin outlined 100 years ago the weaknesses of capitalism. In 2008, for the umpteenth time, capitalism collapsed in upon itself. This has given the Conservative Party, whose hatred of trade unionism/anger at prosperous workers knows no bounds, the opportunity to attack us in such a way as to make Thatcher resemble an angel.